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Soluzioni per aziende e attività commerciali

I nostri progetti


Negozio di arredamento


Negozio di abbigliamento


Lounge bar


I pannelli in muschio e licheni stabilizzati possono essere utilizzati per delimitare gli spazi e creare aree di lavoro separate, senza dover ricorrere a pareti o divisori tradizionali oppure per decorare gli spazi di accoglienza dell'azienda, come le sale riunioni, la reception o le aree ristoro.


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Oppure contattaci: realizzeremo per te uno o più rendering per presentarti la soluzione migliore per il tuo ambiente, grazie alla presenza di un architetto interno.

Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame
Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame

Extra size stabilized lichen picture with wooden frame

Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame
Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame

Preserved lichen picture in walnut colored wooden frame

Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame

Picture with bamboo and lichens in a white frame
